December 12, 2022

Global Brand Rankings: Asset Management

Global Brand Rankings: Asset Management

Global Brand Rankings: Asset Management

Brand quality is a critical element of asset manager propositions, offering a relevant customer-centred dimension in a performance-dominated world. A reputable brand can deliver competitive differentiation and embody trust, although also places a responsibility that managers live up to expectations.

This interactive dashboard is taken from our Global Asset Management Study, the most comprehensive study of asset management buyers globally.

Exhibit 1: Global Brand Rankings

Global top 500 asset manager brands. Top of mind nominations averaged over a rolling two-year period (2021 and 2020)

Source: Global Asset Management Study

At scale, comprehensive, relevant

Interviews are conducted annually with more than 3,000 key decision makers within institutional and retail allocators and investors across the Americas, EMEA and APAC. These interviews represent more than 25% of global investible assets.


The brand rankings are determined based on top-of-mind nominations for asset managers, spanning overall awareness, asset class offerings, and customer capabilities. Results are averaged over a rolling two-year period (the results shared above combine our 2021 and 2020 study cycles).

NMG’s Global Asset Management Study

The Study explores industry themes, key success factors, and asset manager capability, positioning, and servicing.

The brand ranking results are contained within a global dataset with seven years of historical evidence, combining more than 100,000 data points annually and covering more than 2,000 asset managers.

For further enquiries, please email [email protected].

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