Lachlan Reardon, Matthew Perabo - February 28, 2024
The growing Active ETF graveyard
In a retail market starved of growth opportunities, the prospects of new capital pools offered by active...
Lachlan focuses on the asset management and wealth sectors, working with clients on M&A transactions, market entry strategy, product development and project management and delivery. Lachlan has experience working with clients across both institutional and retail segments.
In a retail market starved of growth opportunities, the prospects of new capital pools offered by active...
Large active managers have struggled to maintain pace with passive and niche-active providers in recent years. With...
Australia’s latent demand for financial advice is worth over A$2.2bn annually. Meeting this demand would have a...
Industry funds’ dominance of Australia’s retirement system is widely acknowledged, though their infiltration of the HNW segment...
On an outlook of healthy contestable flows, plenty of opportunity exists for well-positioned retail equity managers in...
The recommendations of the Quality of Advice Review would force large institutions back to the table on...